Friday, August 24, 2007


Utah Teapot Elements Finished

Somewhere in hot sweaty North Carolina I managed to finish of the implementation of all Utah Teapot RIB elements, Pfew, all JUnit tests are running :-) YAY!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Comparing XML

Got a bit of a refactoring job done. I wrote my own xml doc compare routine for my JUnit tests. In this unit test I create a XML fragment with JAXB and compare this against another XML fragment created out of a string. I was not completely happy with this routine and googled for a java diff library. I quickly stumbled upon XMLUnit, a xml compare extension for JUnit. Unfortunately it doesn't support JUnit 4.0 :-( Hmmm, junit testing without annotations is just so....90s ;-P. Posted a message on their forums asking for JUnit 4.0 support, but I don't expect to much in the near future since they only did a release a month ago. One good thing though, they have a lot of routines for comparing XML, Specifically the Diff class, which I'm using now and cleans up my code a lot :-)

Monday, August 20, 2007



I have a 10 hour plane journey to look forward to and currently working with subversion. Meaning I have to save up all my changes and do my commits after I landed and hook up with a wifi hotspot. Hmmm, not very convenient, I'm one of these people who likes to commit a lot. So I was in need of a distributed version control thingy.

I watched Linus Google tech talk on GIT
and the mercurial google tech talk by Bryan O'Sullivan.

Installed them both, dumped my subversion tree into them. And to be honest with you, I could have done a proper technical review, browsed lots of forums but..Linus is just more fun in his presentation and on top of this here is one of his quotes: "I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First 'Linux', now 'git'."


So my gitweb is up and running now.

Happy cloning!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Utah Teapot JUnit test finished!

Finally finished the unit test for the Utah Teapot example. Now I can move on with the implementation :-)

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